Ads That Convert: 3 Ad Copy Tips Proven To Save You Money | Part 1

by Amir Levi 20.Aug.2019 8 min read Views
Ad Copy Tips Proven to Save You Money
Amir Levi

Driving traffic to your site is easy, even with a small budget. But while your PPC ads might encourage customers to enter your sales funnel, your only guarantee is that you will pay for it. So, in order to make every penny count and assure the highest quality traffic, it’s essential to implement best practices for copywriting at every step of the customer journey. That’s why we put together this quick series on Writing Ads That Convert to show you how to implement strategies proven to reach your goals- not just cost you money. To begin, let’s focus on the basic ad copy tips proven to drive traffic that converts:

Connect Your Ads & Landing Pages

It goes without saying that “your clients should always get what they click for”. But often enough Ad copywriters forget that this means your ads, landing pages, and other essential stops in your sales funnel should be consistent. It can be a tedious job, however, it increases the likelihood that your clients will stay within your sales funnel. Consider the following example:

Imagine clicking an ad that shows “Buy X NOW!” or “30% Off” or even “Women’s Shoes”, and then discovering a signup form, the offer is no longer available, or suddenly you’re staring at camping supplies. Pretty frustrating, right? And this isn’t just money misspent on PPC ads or wasted characters in your Ad copy, it’s also bad for your branding and word of mouth. So always check that your writing is consistent and up to date with your landing pages.

2 Methods For Connecting Your Ad Copy To Your Clients

Now that you have more consistent writing, it’s time to improve it by anticipating client intent. This can be achieved by combining two easy copywriting practices: (1) mirror how your clients think & (2) utilize descriptions that connect.

Combining these two strategies will help you to convert more of the specific clients you want while further filtering the traffic you don’t.

Method 1: Mirror How Your Clients Think

Compare the following 2 examples:

Example 1:      Having Pet Odor Problems?

Example 2:      Eliminate Pet Odors Today!

Your Ad Copy Should Mirror The Intent Of The Client

While the first example asks people to think about the question and make a choice, the second example states what your client can immediately achieve. Your ad copy should mirror the intent of the client you want by thinking about what they need to end their search on your website: information, a solution, or something more.

This is a beautiful place for A/B testing (more on that later!) and to practice using a specific language. And it’s exactly that specific language that leads to our second method.

Method 2: Utilize Descriptions That Connect

To maximize your ad spend, your ads should be as specific as the intent of your clients. This is where using clear descriptions of the product and its use(s) come in.

The more specific you are, the higher the quality your traffic will be. So, test a variety of descriptions in your headlines to find the keywords that best convert for your products. Keep in mind that ads focusing on results and benefits are shown to drive higher conversion rates.

A great place to start your tests is with Google Keyword Planner. You can create a free account to begin researching keywords and improve the specificity of your ads.

Remember, (1) the solution your customers’ needs are (2) your specific product, so let that inspire every step of your ad copywriting.

Grammar Tip

Filter Low Quality Traffic Using Calls To Action

So far we have discussed giving your clients what they click for and “connecting what you write to your clients. We should focus on ensuring that these two strategies can achieve the best results possible by further weeding out all that low-quality traffic that costs money but doesn’t convert. This is where an effective Call To Action steps in.
Remember, you create PPC ads because you want your visitors to complete a specific action. Now, by clearly stating that action, you will create a gatekeeper that encourages good traffic to come on in while discouraging the traffic that is less likely to convert. Simple enough, right!
In other words, a call to action such as “Learn More” or “Buy Now!” will create a stronger link between the intent of your ad and its anticipated landing page, encouraging more quality clients to remain in your sales funnel.

Next Time: A/B Testing

These quick and easy-to-follow strategies are proven to increase the quality of your PPC Ads while lowering your ad spend, however: the digital market will always require you to test new and more competitive ads to deliver the best results possible.

This is where our next article steps in to teach you the best practices in A/B testing to optimize your ads. See you next time!

One More Important Detail To Remember:

Even with the best Ad Copy possible, you are still going to need a guarantee that the best audience possible is reading it. That’s where AI-driven advertising for e-commerce stores steps in to customize and then automate processes for cross-channel advertising, synchronization, as well as bid and budget automation.

The e-commerce marketplace is quickly changing and, by using AI, you’ll know you won’t be left behind. Sign up today and receive a Free 30-Day Trial!

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